
Monday, September 5, 2011

weekend wrap-up

disney fun fact #2

The locked blue-green doorway on Royal Street in New Orleans Square, with the ornate address plate bearing the number 33, marks the entrance to a private 
dining room known as Club 33. Membership in Club 33 stands at about 
487 individuals and corporations, and has a nine-year waiting list that caps at 1,000 people.
(from Little-Known Facts about Well-Known Places: Disneyland)

Our family had a fun/busy weekend.

The festivities started on Friday with our youth group's annual BURGER BASH. Its our big evangelistic night where we tell the students to invite their friends, have a hamburger (or as Aidan puts it a "hambooger") eating contest, and a gospel message.

We had a lot of fun, ate a ton, and even hired Haley to be our mascot for the evening.

what a HAM-burger!

Saturday, was a birthday party for one of Aidan's best friends. They have an awesome pool, and Aidan made a huge milestone in it. She's always been the cautious child, and until this summer has had a love/hate relationship with the pool. She only loves them if she can touch the bottom of the pool with her feet, or is safely in Haley's floaty. But this time she took a leap of faith and went in the deep end with only her life-jacket. I was one proud Mama. And a special thanks to Teri for capturing the big moment!

I also had a good time at the party. This is me listening intently as my friend, Jessica, tells me about her Club 33 experience. Seriously, this might have been the most exciting moment of my day. 

Sunday was filled with church family. Who I just ADORE. And even though I didn't get to hear Sunday School, or the Worship Message, the Lord allowed me to have some great conversations with people, where He showed me how I could pray for some, and then just caused me to get closer to others. In the evening we had a great time with our CCS group (College, Career & Singles). Filled with great conversation about SIN from this book

Peruvian Tamales

And a classic

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